Our Story

The Bloomingdale Inclusive Playground Initiative is Now a Reality!
In 2014, Community Board 7’s Health and Human Services Subcommittee on Accessibility, including board members Sheldon Fine, Catherine Delazzero and Rita Genn, developed the concept for an Inclusive Playground Initiative in Manhattan's Community District 7. The expressed purpose of this initiative was to develop and implement a model inclusive playground in New York City that reflects the principles of inclusion, quality of life, sustainability, interdependence, and participation. The subcommittee grew and became a task force of the Community Board in 2015, advocating for a playground design and process that reflects this vision of an inclusive community.
The Task Force defined inclusive playgrounds as those intentionally designed for children with diverse abilities and disabilities to play together. This model is distinct from playgrounds that merely provide barrier-free access to a common space which segregates individuals based on their abilities and disabilities. Inclusive playgrounds use all aspects of design to foster interaction and learning, which is achieved through considerations of physical, sensory, and social inclusion.
Under the leadership of Task Force Coordinator Catherine Delazzero, Community Board 7/ Manhattan’s Inclusive Playground Task Force extensively researched existing playgrounds and the work of organizations advancing inclusive playground and universal design. They chose to focus on the long-neglected playground adjoining P.S 145 and West Prep Academy in Manhattan Valley. The Task Force met with and gained the support of all local and citywide elected officials. Armed with political and community support, the Task Force worked closely with NYC Parks, under the leadership of Steve Simon, chief of staff to the Manhattan borough commissioner, to transform the concept and research into a seven million dollar project. An extremely well-attended scoping design process brought together all community stakeholders and achieved a consensus for proceeding with the work.
The project was undertaken as part of then-Mayor Bill de Blasio's Community Parks Initiative. The playground was reconstructed to provide a high quality park environment for all users, including a new synthetic turf field, basketball courts and adult fitness equipment. The children’s play areas were reconfigured and expanded with new play equipment for two-five year-olds and five-twelve year-olds. The play equipment meets or exceeds all playground safety and ADA accessibility requirements with inclusive play features for children with disabilities.
This seven million dollar project was funded by then-Mayor Bill de Blasio, Borough President Brewer and Council Member Levine.
To guarantee the ongoing community stewardship of the Bloomingdale Inclusive Park and Playground, Sheldon Fine completed the Partnerships Academy Fellowship with Partnerships for Parks to plan a “Friends of” organization for the Bloomingdale Inclusive Park and Playground. Next, he proceeded to organize the “Friends of” group. Three directors were elected; Sheldon Fine, Cidalia Costa of West Park Academy and Rita Genn; to guide the organization. Friends of the Bloomingdale Inclusive Park and Playground will support healthy maintenance of the playground, sustainability of its programs and ongoing development of the cultural shift toward inclusion.